Research/Technical Note
Socio-Economic Impacts of Flooding Around Lake Victoria, Kisumu County, Kenya
Herine Pamela Auma Ondolo*
Ann Osio
Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2025
1 October 2024
20 November 2024
6 March 2025
Abstract: History shows that people have settled around the shores of Lake Victoria and used its water for varied purposes that include, but not limited to, domestic use, trade, and agriculture. Relatedly, the lake has also been known to flood annually with devasting effect on the settlements. The purpose of this study is to identify the trend in the expansion of the lake over the years with a goal of making recommendations to alleviate the negative impact of the floods. Sentinel satellite images were obtained from internet open sources and then they were classified, leading to six classes comprising: water, built up, herbaceous, roads, bare land and woody vegetation. The period studied covered the years 2019 to 2022. From the satellite images, it is observed that water coverage was most expansive in 2021 compared to the other years. In the year 2021, it was occupying an area of 584175600m2, this is a significant increase from the year 2019, when it was covering, 559258200m2. In the year 2022, there was a reduction in the area covered by water, 583134300m2. Most flooded areas are along the shores of the lake. This study recommends that the previous dry lands that are now under water be used for rice farming by public private partnerships and the owners of the lands be compensated as necessary. It further recommends on adoption of geospatial technology to identify suitable spots to build structures for living and / or business, along the shores. Such policies will alleviate the destruction of properties and the loss of lives due to floods.
Abstract: History shows that people have settled around the shores of Lake Victoria and used its water for varied purposes that include, but not limited to, domestic use, trade, and agriculture. Relatedly, the lake has also been known to flood annually with devasting effect on the settlements. The purpose of this study is to identify the trend in the expansi...
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